Mindful Eating During the Holidays: Enjoyment without Excess


Table of Contents

Introduction: A Personal Holiday Tale

5 Mindful Eating Proven Secrets to have Joyful Holiday Meal

Embracing Mindful Eating: A Journey Begins at the Holiday Table

Imagine a typical holiday scene: The house is buzzing with the laughter of family and friends, a fire crackles in the hearth, and the table is a masterpiece of culinary delight. There’s the golden-brown turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, and an array of desserts that would make even a pastry chef envious. It’s a scene of abundance and joy, but also a potential minefield for anyone trying to eat mindfully.

A few years ago, during one such holiday feast, I found myself in this exact scenario. Plate piled high, I moved from one dish to the next, savouring the flavours but losing track of my body’s cues. It wasn’t until I sat back, feeling uncomfortably full, that I realized I had missed an opportunity. An opportunity not just to enjoy the food, but to enjoy the experience of eating it mindfully, savouring each bite, and listening to my body.

This moment of overindulgence and the ensuing discomfort was a turning point. It made me realize that while the holidays are indeed a time for enjoyment, they also offer a chance to practice mindfulness, to truly savour each moment, and to listen to our bodies. It’s not just about the food on the plate, but the experience around the table.

Now, let’s delve into how we can all enjoy the holiday feasts without the excess, and turn eating into an experience of mindfulness and joy.

The Challenge of Holiday Eating

The holidays are a time of celebration, often centred around food. From Thanksgiving turkeys to Christmas cookies, each dish seems to carry not just flavours but also memories and traditions. However, this abundance can often lead to overindulgence. Who hasn’t reached for that third helping of stuffing, or sampling every dessert on the table, despite feeling full?

The challenge here isn’t just physical discomfort. It’s the feeling of having lost control, of moving away from our health goals, and the guilt that often follows. In a season that should be joyous, these feelings can add unnecessary stress.

But why do we overeat during the holidays?

Is it the abundance of food? Social pressure? Emotional eating? Often, it’s a combination of all these factors. The holidays can stir up emotions – both happy and challenging. Food, being a source of comfort, becomes a way to amplify the joy or soothe the stress. Social gatherings can lead to a ‘herd mentality’ where we eat more just because everyone else is.

This isn’t about demonizing holiday eating. It’s about understanding the why behind our eating habits. Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards mindful eating. By doing so, we can enjoy the holidays and the food without the baggage of overindulgence and guilt.

The Power of Mindful Eating

Imagine the holiday feast as a dance. Each dish is a different rhythm, a unique step in the evening’s melody. Mindful eating during the holidays is like learning to dance gracefully with these rhythms, savouring each step, each bite, without rushing to the next song.

Mindful eating is about being fully present with your food. It’s about engaging all your senses – noticing the colours, the textures, the aromas, and the flavours of each dish. It’s about listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues, eating slowly, and with intention. This practice transforms eating from a mere act of consumption into an enriching experience.

When you eat mindfully, you aren’t just eating; you’re connecting. You’re connecting with the tradition behind the dish, the effort that went into preparing it, and the joy of sharing it with others. This connection brings a deeper satisfaction that goes beyond the physical sensation of fullness.

So, how do you practice mindful eating during the hustle and bustle of the holidays?

Start by taking a moment before eating to appreciate the spread. Breathe in the aromas, admire the presentation, and express gratitude – whether silently or aloud. As you eat, pay attention to the flavours and textures in each bite, and notice how they make you feel. Listen to your body and acknowledge when you are no longer physically hungry.

Remember, mindful eating is not about restriction; it’s about experiencing food more intensely and with awareness. By doing so, you can enjoy all the holiday flavours without overindulging, and leave the table feeling satisfied, not stuffed.

Practical Tips for Mindful Eating During the Holidays

Now that we’ve explored the concept of mindful eating, let’s translate it into practical, actionable steps. These tips help you navigate holiday eating with mindfulness and enjoyment, rather than stress and guilt.

  1. Start with Smaller Portions: During the holidays, our eyes are often bigger than our stomachs. Begin with smaller portions. You can always go back for more if you’re truly still hungry.
  2. Slow Down and Savour: Take your time with each bite. Put your fork down between bites, chew slowly, and really taste the food. This not only enhances your enjoyment but also gives your body time to signal when it’s full.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Sometimes, we confuse thirst with hunger. Keep a glass of water handy and sip regularly throughout the meal.
  4. Be Selective: With so many options available, it’s tempting to try everything. Instead, choose the foods you truly love or are curious about. Skip the items that don’t excite you.
  5. Mindful Conversation: Engage in conversations. Eating while talking (mindfully, of course) can slow down your eating pace and enhance your overall experience.
  6. Check-in with Yourself: Halfway through your meal, pause and ask yourself, “How full am I on a scale of 1-10?” This helps you stay in tune with your body’s cues.
  7. Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to express gratitude for the food and the company. This shifts the focus from eating for the sake of eating to eating as a part of a broader, enjoyable experience.
  8. Forgive Yourself: If you overindulge, be kind to yourself. Remember, one meal won’t undo your progress. Your journey is about “Progress, Not Perfection.”

As you read these tips, which one do you feel will be the most challenging for you? Why? Identifying this can help you prepare and set a mindful intention as you approach the holiday meals. Share yours in the comments below

Navigating Holiday Temptations

The holiday season is not just about the enormous meals; it’s also about the constant stream of temptations – the office parties, the neighbourhood cookie exchanges, and the ever-present holiday treats in every corner of the house. Here’s how to navigate these temptations with mindfulness and without feeling deprived:

  1. Plan Ahead: If you know you’re heading to a holiday event, plan your meals accordingly. Perhaps have a lighter lunch if you’re expecting a big dinner.
  2. Bring a Healthy Dish: When attending gatherings, offer to bring a dish. This way, you ensure there’s at least one healthy option you enjoy.
  3. Mindful Indulgence: Allow yourself to enjoy your favourite holiday treats, but do so mindfully. Savour the taste, eat slowly, and really enjoy the experience.
  4. Set Boundaries: Politely decline when you’re offered food you don’t want. It’s okay to say no, and it’s an important part of respecting your body’s cues.
  5. Stay Active: Keep up with your regular exercise routine during the holidays. It’s not just good for your body; it also helps in managing stress and keeping you grounded.
  6. Focus on Socializing, Not Just Eating: Remember, events are about the people, not just the food. Engage in conversations, play games, and enjoy the non-food aspects of the celebrations.
  7. Mindful Response to Cravings: When you crave a certain food, pause and ask yourself, “Am I physically hungry or is this an emotional craving?” This can help you decide whether to indulge or find another way to satisfy that need.
  8. Savour the Memories, Not Just the Food: Create and cherish holiday memories that are not solely centred around food. This shifts the focus from eating to experiencing.

Think about past holidays. Which situations were most challenging for you in terms of food? How might these strategies help you in similar situations this year? Questions post in the comments and I will answer all of them.

Embracing Imperfection

One of the most important aspects of mindful eating, especially during the holidays, is learning to embrace imperfection. The holiday season, with its plethora of food and festivities, can often lead to moments where we stray from our mindful eating intentions. But here’s the thing: it’s perfectly okay.

  1. Imperfection is Part of the Journey: Remember, mindful eating is a practice, not a perfection. If you overindulge at a holiday meal, don’t beat yourself up. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and move on.
  2. Balance is Key: Strive for a balance. Enjoy your favourite holiday treats in moderation, but also nourish your body with healthy, wholesome foods.
  3. Reflect and Reset: After a moment of overindulgence, take some time to reflect on what led to it. Were you eating mindlessly? Were you stressed? Understanding the ‘why’ can help you reset and approach the next meal with more mindfulness.
  4. Enjoy the Experience Beyond Food: Focus on the joy of the holidays beyond just the food—the laughter, the conversations, the warmth of being with loved ones. This holistic approach to the holidays keeps food in its rightful place—as a part of the celebration, not the centrepiece.
  5. Your Journey, Your Pace: Every individual’s journey with mindful eating is unique. Go at your own pace and honour your body’s needs and signals.


As we navigate the holiday season, remember that each meal, each choice, is a new opportunity to practice mindful eating. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being present. In the spirit of our mantra, “Progress, Not Perfection,” let’s enjoy the holidays mindfully, savouring each moment, and each bite, with intention and gratitude.