MC Subscribe – Monthly Personal Trainer Subscription

MC SUBSCRIBE #1 Personal Trainer Subscription All Access one simple monthly payment.

What you get with the MC SUBSCRIBE

MC Subscribe is our premium personal trainer subscription. You get full access to all our current and future workout programs and 2 monthly check in call. All this is for one low monthly fee of $100/month.

You will get exclusive access to our live-streamed workouts and fitness programs. You will also receive two monthly check-in call with the coaching and support from Matt Clark, where you will get the latest fitness tips and progress updates.

What packages do personal trainers offer? MC Subscribe personal trainer subscription gives you the ultimate online fitness experience where you can work out and any gym you want and easily get the support and resources you need to make gains. You can easily track your workout session, view your statistics, and get advice and support from our expert coaches.

By subscribing to a monthly personal trainer subscription – MC subscribe, you will receive benefits such as 

  • Full Access to our App for workouts, nutrition tracking and more…
  • Full Instructional Videos for all our workouts that are programed for you.
  • Complete custom Nutrition Plan and Workout Programing to help you meet your fitness, health, and wellness goals. 
  • All Access to our programs, MC Core, MC Endurance, MC Power, and MC Physique and all future programs.
  • Intake call to customize the program to meet your ability level and goals.
  • 2 Check in Calls each month to discuss progress, tips, nutrition and more.
  • Free Video submitted form checks to make sure you are training smart, and your are doing it properly. 
MC Subscribe, Personal Trainer Subscription

Personal Trainer Subscription Includes

Includes Full Access to our App

Full Access to workouts 24/7 with lifetime access to our app.

100+ Instructional Videos

Demonstration for every exercise you will be performing.

Complete Program Design

We will build out a workout, nutrition, and wellness plan to help you meet your goals in a safe and healthy way. Designed for you and updated as you progress with your fitness journey.

All Access to Current and Future Programs

Access to MC CORE, MC Endurance, MC Power, and MC Physique.

Free Getting Started Call

Get started with all your questions answered and what to expect with the program.

Free Email Support

Have questions? Troubles with the program? Full email support and chat support in our app with any questions you may have.

2 Monthly Check In Call

Have questions? Troubles with the program? Talk directly with your coach once every month. Support your progress and help you with any sticking points.

Free Video Form Checks

Not sure if you are performing an exercise properly? Send us a video and we can review and provide coaching.


If you don't see visible changes in your body within 30 days, ask for your money back. No questions asked.

Take a peek inside! Access to all our current programs plus all new programs. All Customized for your current ability and goals.

What Our Clients say


If you don’t see visible changes in your body within 30 days, ask for your money back. No questions asked. 

This program has been the foundation of all our training programs. It will transform your body and teach you what the difference is between exercising and training. You will build muscle, loose fat and get stronger. 

And if you don’t then you get a full refund not questions asked and you can keep the workout program. 

Still Not sure if this is for you? Book a free 30 minute Consultation and I will personally answer any of your questions. 

Book Free Consultation Now